I’m Eugene. Expert for online marketing, business trainer and encourager and started Osmose Europe website.
I was unhappily employed for the first 8 years of my career and had more jobs than fit on my resume.
Until I realized that I would only be happy in the freedom of my own company. In just a few years, I’ve built a successful online business that now earns me 6-digit annual sales and makes me happy. That’s not what I’m saying now to show off. But because I want to tell you:
“If I can do that, you can do it, too!”
All you need is courage, marketing and mindset training and an occasional kick in the ass.
In my blog articles, videos, coveted webinars and online courses I show ambitious people like you how to win customers for their (online) business with content, email and social media marketing.
From self-employment to online business.
When I quit my last job as a marketing manager, I had absolutely no plan to make money with in the future.
Not necessarily helpful were the stupid sayings of the pessimists, which can be summarized as follows: Independent means self and constantly and little money. Unfortunately, the first years of my business were the same for Likes Media: Eugene = self and constantly. Until the penny has fallen with me:
“Stop it, time for I’ve got money to sell.”
What I missed was a scalable offer: Instead of selling my time for money as a social media consultant, I started designing online trainings and group courses to help many people at the same time.
So I soon offered the first online course for my social media consulting. The next logical step was to give up managing blogs, email newsletters and Facebook pages for my clients. This work has taught me a lot about online marketing, but selling time for money was no longer the solution.
I have written down the development of my company for you in detail here.
Meanwhile I offer my knowledge exclusively in online courses. So I do not only reach more people (and earn more). I have also realized that my customers stay more motivated when they learn and grow in a group with like-minded people.
For me (and you?) the only true thing is.
For me and my community, an online business of one’s own means above all freedom. The freedom to work for whom we want, when we want and for some also from where we want.
I was inspired to work from the road by a Dutchman I met on my Nicaragua trip in 2002. As a copywriter he could work from anywhere and travelled through the most beautiful countries for weeks several times a year. Then I thought: I want to do that too. That was in 2002, long before digital nomadism became a fashionable term.
Today I pack my dog Baldur and work for several months a year from Italy or Spain.
I can’t describe myself as a digital nomad, because I am firmly rooted in Berlin, in my “village” Prenzlauer Berg. But I like to travel and if my work allows me to extend my travels, so much the better.
Freedom, a self-determined life and financial success are great results of a successful online business. It is even better to reach so many people and inspire them with my success to do their own thing instead of getting stuck in job frustration.