With us you find offers of all renowned travel providers in the comparison. The results of your travel search are sorted according to the lowest price per person.
As a rule, package tours from the “Last Minute” and “Package tours” categories are the cheapest. The reservation is comfortable and uncomplicated. Sometimes however a comparison is worthwhile itself whether a journey arranged by itself from the components flight, hotel and rented car is not more favorable.
Virtual tour operators and dynamic offers
In addition, many virtual tour operators offer dynamic travel offers that are only created at the time of booking. The combination of cheap flight and hotel offers often results in very cheap travel bargains when booking. The virtual tour operators can be identified by the addition “dynamic”, “e” or “x” in the name.
Customers who are flexible, for example couples and singles without children, who are not dependent on school holidays, profit first and foremost from the favourable last-minute and dynamic offers. For families with school-age children, we recommend early bird travel. Most travel providers offer customers high early booking discounts for summer and autumn holidays in winter and spring.
Cheap travel agents
In our database you can filter your search for a specific operator. However, this is usually not necessary because the search results are automatically sorted according to the lowest price per person. It is only worth it if you expect child discounts for smaller children from family-friendly travel providers.
Particularly favorable destinations
It is not only the choice of the tour operator that is important in the search for cheap travel offers. If you have not considered a specific destination and would like to spend a beach holiday in the south, you should know which holiday destinations are particularly favourable. Of course, car journeys with your own car are the cheapest if the holiday resorts can be reached in a few hours. If you travel by car from northern Germany to the Alps or the Italian Adriatic, you have to take into account high fuel costs as well as toll and motorway tolls in Italy.
When travelling by air you will find many bargain trips to Mallorca, Turkey, Spain, Greece and Egypt. In winter, many tour operators offer special prices for trips to the Canary Islands. These are much longer flight times (about 5 hours), but you will be rewarded with the great climate and lots of sun on the islands of eternal spring.
Cheap travel time
Those who are not dependent on the summer holidays, do not need temperatures around 30 degrees during the holidays and want to be active in hiking and cycling will profit from the cheap travel offers in the low season at the Mediterranean Sea. You can book already one week in a 4-Sterne-Hotel with half board inclusive flight starting from 250 ? per person on Mallorca, in Turkey, in Spain, Tunisia or Egypt.
How to fly cheaply
Why does one and the same flight cost different amounts? A report about the price makers at Lufthansa – and eleven tips for saving money.
“The price is outrageous,” says one passenger on the Air-Berlin flight from Düsseldorf to Abu Dhabi. She paid 980 euros for her economy ticket. “Mine only cost 700,” says the person sitting next to her, and from behind a woman shouts: “830.” I prefer to remain silent: 613.84 euros for Hamburg-Düsseldorf-Abu Dhabi – including the onward flight to Saigon with Air Berlin’s partner airline Etihad and back home.
The offers on airline websites are no less erratic: Lufthansa charges 403 euros on Monday morning on its website for an economy flight Hamburg-Frankfurt-Hamburg on the following Friday. The same Monday, the same Lufthansa website, a special offer: Chicago round trip for 439 euros.
Fares are a mystery. A mixture of arbitrariness and chance, one might think. If you started a survey among the passengers of any scheduled flight about the prices they paid, you would get a potpourri of completely different fares every time. Passenger A pays double, triple, five times as much as passenger B: for the same looking tourist class seats with the same on-board program, the same cardboard sandwich, the same tomato juice. Many travellers ask themselves: How does this price boom come about? And: How do I get the cheap tickets myself?
Marcus Frank smiles. “Fly when we need you as a passenger,” says the manager. Frank, 48, steel-blue eyes, white shirt with open collar, is the master of prices at Lufthansa. His Revenue Management department has 350 employees, which roughly means that the employees should maximize the company’s sales by setting the prices accordingly.